







  1. 無須擔心孩子夜歸的安全。
  2. 無須浪費時間接送補習班。
  3. 提供家長申請獨立登入帳號,簡訊通知服務,電子郵件通知服務,隨時掌握孩子學習進度與學習效果。
  4. 無須遷就同學程度,擔心程度低的同學拖累您孩子的學習進度,或擔心老師偏重程度好的同學,忽略您孩子的需求。
  5. 孩子可以從容回家吃晚飯,休息一下洗個澡再上課,輕鬆無負擔??。


  1. 在家上網就能和外國人做朋友,聊天學英文!
  2. 我可以放心大聲講英文,經驗豐富的外籍老師可以聽懂我要表達的意思!
  3. 想怎麼學?什麼時候學?跟誰學?都由我安排、我決定!
  4. 「DCGS動態課程生成系統」隨時幫我調配最佳的課程組合,想學什麼,也由我決定!
  5. 我可以上傳照片,讓世界各地的人認識我,我也能認識不同地方的新朋友!
  6. 在家就彷佛置身國外名校的留學環境,輕鬆學會一口流利的好英文!




選擇「一對多」小班式互動教學,TutorABCJr會為孩子配對程度相仿的學習者一同學習,孩子可從同學的發言中,學習更多詞彙,聽見不同觀點。 小班制人數6人以下,由深具教學經驗的顧問引導,絕不影響孩子的開口權益。



掌握自我節奏學習 學業技能左右兼顧


沉浸英文環境 伸展語言本能

短短四十五分鐘的全英文環境,讓她輕易掌握了英文邏輯,過了一段時間後,流利的英文對話就這麼脫口而出! 慧儀表示:「以前我的文法很弱,雖然勉強可以說,但是句子很混亂。我很喜歡TutorABCJr的課程,是因為外籍顧問會給我很多機會說話,並且即時糾正我的發音和文法,是補習班做不到的。」

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SINGAPORE, June 15, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- In support of the 6th Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Dengue Day, the Asian Dengue Vaccination Advocacy (ADVA) is launching the Dengue Mission Buzz Barometer, a tool to measure ASEAN community engagement for the prevention of dengue. The Barometer will also comprise an educational online portal to increase dengue awareness and readiness within communities. Dengue, the fastest-growing mosquito-borne disease in the world, represents a major health threat and public health burden for Southeast Asia.

[5]Shepard DS, Undurraga E, et al. Economic and Disease Burden of Dengue in Southeast Asia. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases. Published 21 February 2013. Available at[Last accessed: 14 Jun 2016]

"By launching the Dengue Mission Buzz portal in conjunction with ASEAN Dengue Day, we hope to increase public awareness of dengue and its prevention in an engaging and interactive way, while encouraging greater vigilance against the disease in the region," said Prof Usa Thisyakorn, Chairman of the Asian Dengue Vaccination Advocacy.

-New Dengue Mission Buzz Barometer will provide a dynamic comparison of dengue preparedness across countries in Southeast Asia

[1]Donald S. Shepard

, Eduardo A. Undurraga, and Yara A. Halasa, Duane J. Gubler, Editor. Economic and Disease Burden of Dengue in Southeast Asia, PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2013;7(2):e2055.

[3] Ibid.

The new Dengue Mission Buzz portal builds on last year's successful Dengue Mission Buzz educational campaign, during which a bus travelled over 4,000 kilometers through six Southeast Asian countries-- Laos, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines-- to bring information about dengue prevention and control to ASEAN communities in conjunction with ASEAN Dengue Day. ASEAN Dengue Day is observed every year on the 15th June throughout the region in recognition of the critical need to increase public awareness as one of the main strategies to reduce the risk of dengue transmission. The theme for this year's ASEAN Dengue Day, "Community Empowerment: A Sustainable Success to Fight Dengue", echoes the Dengue Mission Buzz portal's objective to educate and empower communities across the region in the fight against dengue.

While governments in the region have made dengue prevention a priority on their public health agendas, the rising incidence of dengue continues to have a negative socioeconomic impact on the region. Currently, governments in Southeast Asia are spending nearly US$1 billion[1] per year due to dengue.

The Dengue Mission Buzz Barometer features a Dengue Readiness Quiz to help site visitors gauge their level of dengue prevention readiness. Quiz results across the six participating countries, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam will be dynamically displayed on a scoreboard on the site and participants are encouraged to share their quiz results and completion badges on social media. ADVA aims to educate at least 25,000 citizens in these countries with the quiz. The Dengue Mission Buzz portal also presents valuable news, videos and information about dengue prevention, and is available in multiple languages.

For further information on the Dengue Mission Buzz website, please visit

[2] WHO. Dengue and severe dengue. Fact Sheet N° 117. May 2015. Available at [Last accessed: 11 May 2016]

[4] WHO. Emergencies, preparedness, response. Impact of dengue. Available at [Last accessed: 11 May 2016]

About ADVA

Dengue is the fastest growing mosquito-borne disease in the world today, causing nearly 400 million infections every year.[2] In the last 50 years, dengue has spread from being present in a handful of countries to being endemic in 128 countries, where about 4 billion people live, and dengue incidence has likewise increased 30-fold in this time period.[3,4]In Southeast Asia, the economic and disease burden of dengue surpasses that of 17 other diseases including upper respiratory infections, and hepatitis B[5] .

The Asian Dengue Vaccine Advocacy (ADVA) is a scientific working group dedicated to dengue vaccine advocacy in Asia中港高中附設國中, with the aim of disseminating information and making recommendations on dengue vaccine introduction strategies in Asia.

About Sanofi

Sanofi, a global healthcare leader, discovers, develops and distributes therapeutic solutions focused on patients' needs. Sanofi has core strengths in diabetes solutions, human vaccines, innovative drugs, consumer healthcare, emerging markets, animal health and Genzyme. Sanofi is listed in Paris (EURONEXT: SAN) and in New York (NYSE: SNY).

Sanofi Pasteur, the vaccines division of Sanofi, provides more than 1 billion doses of vaccine each year, making it possible to immunize more than 500 million people across the globe. A world leader in the vaccine industry, Sanofi Pasteur produces a portfolio of high quality vaccines that matches its areas of expertise and meets public-health demand. The company's heritage, to create vaccines that protect life, dates back more than a century. Sanofi Pasteur is the largest company entirely dedicated to vaccines. Every day, the company invests more than EUR 1 million in research and development. For more information, please visit: www.sanofipasteur.comor

"The economic burden of dengue in ASEAN and factors such as changing weather patterns, increasingly mobile populations and urbanization make it imperative for countries to add new tools such as the dengue vaccine, which was recently recommended by the World Health Organization Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization, to existing initiatives to fight the disease. Co-operation between governments is crucial to address macro issues surrounding the prevention and control of dengue, and to remove barriers to action," said Dr Ferdinal M Fernando, Assistant Director and Head of the Health and Communicable Diseases Division (HCDD), ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community Department, ASEAN Secretariat.


Kai Ling Koh

The Dengue Mission Buzz Barometer is supported by an education grant from Sanofi Pasteur, maker of the world's first dengue vaccine.


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